
The program consists of a mix of lectures and labs, augmented with social activities organized by the central summer school organization. The lectures will cover new material; the supervised labs will let you put this new material into practice by tackling several assignments and projects.

Most activities take place in the canteen of the Minnaert building or in the Buys Ballot Building. You can find more information about how to find these buildings under the Practical information link. The preliminary program for this year's summer school is given below.

Date Time Topics Location
Monday 8/7 09:00 Registration BBG 5th floor coffee room
09:30 Introduction and welcome (Wouter) BBG 165
11:00 Tooling & modules (Wouter) BBG 165
13:00 Lunch - Botanical Gardens
14:00 Monads and I/O (David) BBG 165
16:00 Drinks
16:30 Labs BBG 165
18:30 Dinner - Happs
Tuesday 9/7 09:00 Applicative functors (David) BBG 061
11:00 Coffee BBG 061
11:30 Labs BBG 061
12:30 Lunch
14:00 GADTs (Jacco) BBG 061
16:00 Drinks
16:30 Labs BBG 061
18:30 Dinner - Il Pozzo
Wednesday 10/7 09:00 Lambda calculus (Lawrence) BBG 061
11:00 Coffee BBG 061
11:30 Labs BBG 061
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Information flow (Marco) BBG 061
16:00 Drinks BBG 061
16:30 Labs BBG 061
18:30 Dinner - Djakarta
Thursday 11/7 09:00 Accelerate (Ivo) BBG 165
11:00 Coffee BBG 165
11:30 Labs BBG 165
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Type families (Gabriele) BBG 165
16:00 Coffee
16:30 Labs BBG 165
18:30 Dinner - Theehuis Rhijnauwen
Friday 12/7 09:45 Key collection BBG 165
10:00 Guest lecture - Farhad Mehta BBG 165
12:00 Closure BBG 165
12:30 Lunch - Jazzmans