Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be enrolled at a university to attend?

No! The course is open to all participants.

What is the course code?

During registration, you may need to enter the course code: H09.

What level of Haskell knowledge do you expect?

You should be comfortable reading simple Haskell function definitions of functions – such as map and filter – and understand the basics of pattern matching and algebraic data types. There are many good resources available introducing these basics – feel free to contact the lecturers if you’re unsure about your prerequisites.

How do I apply for the student discount?

When you register, please use your university email address. Be sure to add a note that you are entitled to the discount. If you are charged the full price initially, contact the organizers to apply the discount for you.

If you have any further questions about the course, please reach out to the organizers - we’re always happy to help!