Here is a list of exercises related to monads, monad transformers, applicatives, foldables, and traversables.
monadGiven the standard type classes for functors, applicative functors and monads:
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
class Functor f => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
class Applicative f => Monad f where
return :: a -> f a
(>>=) :: f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b
Give instances for all three classes for the following data types:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
data RoseTree a = RoseNode a [RoseTree a] | RoseLeaf
Also give instances for the Foldable
and Traversable
whenever possible:
class Foldable t where
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
class Traversable t where
traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
Using only methods from the above type classes and lookup
, show how to
define the following function:
lookupAll :: Ord k => [k] -> Data.Map k v -> Maybe [v]
This should return Just vs
if all the argument keys occur in the
map, and Nothing
Also define the following variant:
lookupSome :: Ord k => [k] -> Data.Map k v -> [v]
that returns the list of values for which a key exists. You may want
to use functions from Data.Maybe
to complete this definition.
Use foldMap
to define a generic filter function:
gfilter :: Foldable f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> [a]
Here’s a game I like to play: I toss a coin six times and count the number of heads I see, then I roll a dice; if the number of eyes on the dice is greater than or equal to the number of heads I counted then I win, else I lose. As I’m somewhat of a sore loser, I’d like to know my chances of winning beforehand, though. There are three ways to compute this probability:
We’ll leave the first option to the mathematicians and focus on the second and third possibilities. In fact, using monads, we’ll see how both can be done at the same time.
MonadModeling a coin and a dice in Haskell shouldn’t pose much difficulty for you:
data Coin = H | T
data Dice = D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6
data Outcome = Win | Lose
The tossing of a Coin
and rolling of a Dice
is given by the monadic interface
class Monad m => MonadGamble m where
toss :: m Coin
roll :: m Dice
Exercise 1: Write a function game :: MonadGamble m => m Outcome
that implements the game above. Read the description of the game very carefully:
it is easy to make an off-by-one error; furthermore, as tossing and rolling are
side-effects the order in which you perform them matters.
Simulating probabilistic events requires a (pseudo)random number generator.
Haskell has one available in the System.Random
library. Random number
generators need to have access to a piece of state called the seed, as such
the random number generator runs in a monad, the IO
monad to be exact.
Exercise 2: Give Random
instances for Coin
and Dice
. (The Random
class has been largely superseded by other classes in the random
package with
a different design, but Random
is more low-tech and sufficient for our
Exercise 3: Give a MonadGamble
instance for the IO
Exercise 4: Write a function
simulate :: IO Outcome -> Integer -> IO Rational
that runs a game of chance (given as the first parameter, not necessarily the
game implemented in Exercise 1) $n$ times($n > 0$, the second parameter)
and returns the fraction of games won. You can now approximate to probability
of winning using simulate game 10000
Would you care to take a guess what the exact probability of winning is?
One drawback of simulation is that the answer is only approximate. We can obtain an exact answer using decision trees. Decision trees of probabilistic games can be modeled as:
data DecisionTree a = Result a | Decision [DecisionTree a]
In the leaves we store the result and in each branch we can take one of several possibilities. As we don’t store the probabilities of each decision, we’ll have to assume they are uniformly distributed (i.e., each possibility has an equally great possibility of being taken). Fortunately for us, both fair coins and fair dice produce a uniform distribution.
Exercise 5: Give a Monad
instance for DecisionTree
. (Hint: use the types
of (>>=)
and return
for guidance: it’s the most straightforward,
type-correct definition that isn’t an infinite loop.
Exercise 6: Give a MonadGamble
instance for DecisionTree
Exercise 7: Write a function
probabilityOfWinning :: DecisionTree Outcome -> Rational
that, given a decision tree, computes the probability of winning. You can find
the exact probability of winning using probabilityOfWinning game
. Was
your earlier guess correct? If you know a bit of probability theory, you can
double check the correctness by doing the pen-and-paper calculation suggested above.
Note that we used the same implementation of game
to obtain both an approximate and
an exact answer.
monadA state monad is monad with additional monadic operations get
and put
class Monad m => MonadState m s | m -> s where
get :: m s
put :: s -> m ()
modify :: (s -> s) -> m s
Apart from the usual three monad laws, state monads should also satisfy:
put s1 >> put s2 == put s2
put s >> get == put s >> return s
get >>= put == return ()
get >>= (\s -> get >>= k s) == get >>= (\s -> k s s)
Check to see if you understand what these four laws say and if they make sense.
Exercise 1: Give default implementations of get
and put
in terms of
, and a default implementation of modify
in terms of get
and put
We are now going to define our own, slightly modified state monad that, besides
keeping track of a piece of state, has also been instrumented to count the
number of (>>=)
, return
, get
and put
operations that have been performed
during a monadic computation. The counts are given by the type:
data Counts = Counts { binds :: Int
, returns :: Int
, gets :: Int
, puts :: Int
Exercise 2: As a convenience, give a Monoid
instance for Count
that sums the counts pairwise. Define constants
oneBind, oneReturn, oneGet, onePut :: Counts
that represent a count of one (>>=)
, return
, get
and put
Our state transformer is now given by:
newtype State' s a = State' { runState' :: (s, Counts) -> (a, s, Counts) }
In addition to the usual state s
, we keep track of the Counts
as an internal piece of state that is not exposed through the get
and put
Exercise 3: Give Monad
and MonadState
instances for State'
that count the number of (>>=)
, return
, get
and put
Here is a data type for binary trees that store values on the internal nodes only.
data Tree a = Branch (Tree a) a (Tree a) | Leaf
Exercise 4: Write a function
label :: MonadState m Int => Tree a -> m (Tree (Int, a))
that labels a tree with integers increasingly, using a depth-first in-order traversal.
Exercise 5: Write a function
run :: State' s a -> s -> (a, Counts)
that runs a state monadic computation in the instrumented state monad, given
some initial state of type s
, and returns the computed value and the number of
operations counted. For example, the expression
let tree = Branch (Branch Leaf "B" Leaf) "A" Leaf
in run (label tree) 42
should evaluate to
( Branch (Branch Leaf (42, "B") Leaf) (43, "A") Leaf
, Counts { binds = 10, returns = 5, gets = 4, puts = 2 } )
Instead of backtracking parsers covered in the lectures, we can also define the following parser type:
newtype ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg String
newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> Either ErrorMsg (a,String))
A parser consists of a function that reads from a String
to produce
either an error message or a result of type a
and the remaining
that has not been parsed. This parser type does not allow
backtracking and is less expressive than the list-based parsers.
Exercise 1:
Write the Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, and Alternative
for the parser type above.
Exercise 2:
Describe the Parser
type as a series of monad transformers.
Consider the following data type:
data Teletype a = End a
| Get (Char -> Teletype a)
| Put Char (Teletype a)
A value of type Teletype
can be used to describe programs that read and write characters and return a final result of type a
. Such a program can end immediately (End
). If it reads a character, the rest of the program is described as a function depending on this character (Get
). If the program writes a character (Put
), the value to show and the rest of the program are recorded.
For example, the following expression describes a program that continuously echo characters:
echo = Get (\c -> Put c echo)
Exercise 1. Write a Teletype
-program getLine
which reads characters until it finds a newline character, and returns the complete string.
A map function for Teletype
can be defined as follows:
instance Functor Teletype where
fmap f (End x) = End (f x)
fmap f (Get g) = Get (fmap f . g)
fmap f (Put c x) = Put c (fmap f x)
Exercise 2. Define sensible Applicative
and Monad
instances for Teletype
The definition of Teletype
is not directly compatible with do
notation. Usually, you have getChar
and putChar
primitives which allow you to write instead:
echo = do c <- getChar
putChar c
Exercise 3. Define those functions getChar :: Teletype Char
and putChar :: Char -> Teletype ()
Exercise 4. Define a MonadState
instance for Teletype
. How is the behavior of this instance different from the usual State
Exercise 5. A Teletype
-program can be thought as a description of an interaction with the console. Write a function runConsole :: Teletype a -> IO a
which runs a Teletype
-program in the IO
monad. A Get
should read a character from the console and Put
should write a character to the console.
One of the advantages of separating the description of Teletype
-programs from their executions is that we can interpret them in different ways. For example, the communication might take place throught a network instead of console. Or we could mock user input and output for testing purposes.
Exercise 6. Write an interpretation of a Teletype
-program into the monad RWS [Char] () [Char]
(documentation). In other words, write a function,
type TeletypeRW = RWS [Char] () [Char]
runRWS :: Teletype a -> TeletypeRW a
Using it, write a function mockConsole :: Teletype a -> [Char] -> (a, [Char])